Planning Board

The regular monthly meetings of the Freedom Planning Board are listed below.  Meetings are held on the third Thursday at the Town Hall commencing at 6:30 pm.

Completed applications must be submitted by the closing date noted. Items submitted either after this date or incompletely filled out will not be placed on the agenda; such applications will be deferred.

2024 Meeting Schedule

  • Application Submittal Closing Deadline
  • December 28, 2023
  • January 25
  • February 29
  • March 28
  • April 25
  • May 30
  • June 27
  • July 25
  • August 29
  • September 26
  • October 31
  • November 28
  • December 26, 2024
  • Regular Planning Board Meeting
  • January 18, 2024
  • February 15 – Rescheduled to February 22
  • March 21
  • April 18
  • May 16
  • June 20
  • July 18
  • August 15
  • September 19
  • October 17
  • November 21
  • December 19
  • January 16, 2025

Board Members

Linda Mailhot

Chairman (2027)

Bobbi McCracken

Member (2026)

Brian Taylor

Member (2025)

James Guido

Member (2027)

Robert Rafferty

Member (2026)

Anne Cunningham

Vice Chair (2025)

Jane Davidson

Alternate (2025)

Melissa Florio

Alternate (2025)

Les Babb

Selectmen’s Representative

Support Staff

Lindsay Pettengill

Administrative Assistant

Melissa Donaldson

Recording Secretary

October 17, 2024



Freedom Planning Board will be held on

Thursday, October 17, 2024

at 6:30 p.m. at Freedom Town Hall at 16 Elm St.

Public Meeting

  1. Joint meeting with the Zoning Board of Adjustment to discuss ordinance changes and/or other issues of concern.
  2. Review and approve minutes of the September 19, 2024, Planning Board meeting.


3. Application submitted for Site Plan Review for Wabanaki Campground Conversion LLC located 39 Dennis Dr, Tax Map 20, Lot 2 to the October 17, 2024 Meeting:

Make Improvements to an existing campground, to include camp structure expansions, sanitary connections and improvements, etc. Applicant has requested a continuance to November.

4. Design & Final Site Plan Review for Sherwood Forest LLC, located at 65 Robinhood Lane, Tax Map 7 Lot 5 and Tax Map 7B Lot 5-1:

Construct two staff housing quads, each containing five structures for both single and double occupancy.

5. Pre-Application Discussion Sherwood Forest LLC, located at 65 Robinhood Lane, Tax Map 7 Lot 5-1

Conversion of existing structure from one use to another with no external changes.



6. Short-Term Rental Applications

7. Public Comment

8. Other Business that can properly come before the board.

Meeting Minutes